Category: Lifestyle

Photo-Blog of This Week’s Travel

Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T. 


I thought I’d try something new today.  A photo-blog complete with creative hashtags (just because).  Let me know what you think of this format.  It was fun for me to put together.

This week’s travel has been unusual for me, for four reasons.

1.  My husband is with me.  I typically travel alone.

2.  We’re driving.  I’m typically on a plane a couple of times a week.

3.  This is for semi-pleasure.  We have work to do for my mother in law who’s turning 90 in a few days, but it’s not a business trip.  I have seen a lot of people posting travel articles recently, making it seem that travel for pleasure and business are the same.  I can tell you – without question or hesitation – they are very different.  #businessisntvacation

4.  This trip showed me how firmly moderation has taken a hold in my life!  #moderationiskey


Yes, I bring food with me.  That’s because I like the choice of what to eat to be MY choice regardless of where we are.  It’s no longer a compulsion.  Years ago I would only eat what I carried with me.  Yes, I try to get in some exercise at least every other day.  That’s because it makes me feel good!  My body appreciates the movement!!  Years ago I could not, would not, miss a workout ever!  #loseextremes


So, on Wednesday morning we packed up the truck and hit the road just after 5.

IMG_7864We took our time driving from Washington DC to Burlington VT.  My road trip cooler staples are:

Various fruit (for this trip that consisted of watermelon, apples, peaches, and blueberries), various veggies (zucchini, corn, carrots, pea pods, tomatoes – and, yes, I do realize those are a fruit), grilled chicken and turkey burgers, homemade soba noodles with chicken, Fiber One cereal, nuts, and protein powder.  Oh, and a couple gallons of water.

Burlington is a great town!  We didn’t go to Ben & Jerry’s, the Cabot Cheese Factory, or any of the many wineries on this particular trip but I refused to skip the Lake Champlain Chocolate factory.  I’ve been telling Brent about this place for a while; it was nice to find that he liked it as much as I do.  Dinner on the lake was a fresh salad with salmon, and local hard cider.  That’s a vegetable, right?  #chocolaterocks #Iluvvermont #localfoods


Thursday was a full day.

I got up at 6 and headed to the hotel gym.  Nope, I don’t have to workout!  I did for several reasons.

1.  I have scoliosis.  Sitting for long periods of time hurts.  My body appreciates the movement.

2.  I had a slight headache on Thursday.  The increased circulation and oxygen helps.

3.  I woke up early and my husband didn’t.  They gym was available.  Why not?


Breakfast (and coffee!!!) on the road.  Is it okay to say we went by the chocolate factory again on the way out of
town?  Yes, we did!!!!  #allaboutthecoffee #workin4alivin


In the picture, you can see that my husband had Mt Dew and donuts.  I chose a Quest bar and water.  Some people pass judgement on these choices.  I’ve been asked, how I can “let” my husband eat this way.  They ask, “Doesn’t it bother you, that he eats that way?”  No, it doesn’t.  He is a grown man. He eats what he wants – as do I.  I help people learn how to make better choices with food.  I teach nutrition and exercise.  I do not judge anyone’s choices – that includes my husband’s.  By the way, neither one of us eats like this all the time.   #nobannedfoods #nojudgementzone

I work in the truck so you can see a shot (lower left) of my “mobile office”.  I have my computer, paperwork, and books (options for business and pleasure) with me at all times. #roadwarrior

Lunch was at a cute diner in Bethleham, NH. Chicken salad with apples, pecans and balsamic for her. Burger and fries for him. I don’t pick my food based on “being better” than my husband.  I LOVE salad.  It is truly, one of my favorite things.  #BAS IMG_7933




After spending a little time at this really cool shop where a guy builds large sculptures out of old motorcycle and car parts (#ckoutoptimus), we continued on up Mt Washington, NH.  Did you know that Mt Washington holds claim to the worst (recorded) weather in the world?

We both grew up in Maine but neither of us had ever been up this mountain before.  As a person who studies clouds and weather, I found it fascinating!  Rime ice is amazing!!





We continued on, to Maine, after a snack on the mountain-side.  (Red velvet protein powder shake and watermelon – both from my cooler).


It was a beautiful day for a drive!!

Dinner was one of our typical “go-to”s:  Chipotle Mexican Grill.  I had a salad with either chicken or sofritas.  My husband gets a bowl with chicken and cheese.  There are many judgements about this choice too.  There’s a large faction that LOVES Chipotle because they are known for organic, non-GMO food.  There’s a large faction that HATES ChipIMG_7739otle because they are know for organic, non-GMO food and are; therefore, “feeding into fear mongering.”  We love Chipotle because the food is good, and we can put it together any way we choose.    #chipotlerocks #trysofritas


Here’s the final picture of these two day:  checking into our hotel in Augusta, ME.  Yes, that’s a Bud Light cooler.  I won it at the restaurant in Vermont 🙂


Tomorrow will be spent weeding the garden, cutting limbs, washing windows, and painting ceilings.  #worktodo


Too Much Focus on Ugly?

Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T. 


This is a topic that comes with much emotion attached to it – on both sides of the issue.  I’m very interested in hearing your opinion once you’re read mine.


Are we, as a society, placing too much focus on ugly?

I mean ugly from an aesthetic perspective (whatever to heck that means – who decides what’s attractive and what’s not????) but more so I mean the ugly side of people’s behavior.

Are we taking the whole, “people are mean (meaner than they have ever been; meaner because of social media) thing” too far?

Here’s why I ask.  I’ve received this post a couple of times today from different people.

While it purports to “show how ugly people can be when it comes to judging someone else’s beauty”, I don’t take this merely at face value.  I have a few questions.

This woman was a model – who made her money, willingly, based upon her looks.  At some point she left that profession to make films.  We don’t know why.  I could take the time to research it, likely, but that information was left out of the original post.

After having done modeling work and then teaching women how to apply makeup in online tutorials, a business based on the commonly accepted “norms” of beauty, once again, she began posting pictures of herself without makeup.  That’s a big change, but she was still focusing on her looks – just this time without a filter.

I rarely wear makeup (unless I’m in the classroom) and post pictures of myself au natural all the time.  Hell, sometimes I’ve barely even brushed my hair, or I may be covered in sweat from a recent workout.  I’m not a model.  I know that.  I’m not trying to sell beauty.  I work with people on health, fitness, and self-acceptance.  I’m just a middle aged woman living an everyday life and I don’t care if people see that.  I don’t make a big deal of it.  I don’t point out my lack of makeup and no one else seems to either.

Erin got 100,000 comments (which she was seeking by the way…) yet she chose only to put the worst into her 3 minute video.

She could have, instead, decided to post 3 minutes of the most supportive comments and talked about how amazing  and supportive total strangers can be.  She didn’t.


My natural tendency is to hone in on the negative too.  Trust me, I get it.   I have had thousands of excellent course evaluations over the last decade; yet, it is the THREE negative ones I received that I can repeat verbatim.  I know where I was when I received them and exactly what they said.


People can be unreasonable.  They can be mean and ugly, especially when hiding behind a screen somewhere far away.  They say things they have no business saying.  There is no doubt.

Now, should people weigh in on other people’s looks (or weight, or education, or anything else)?

Hell no!!!!!!


Is society’s view of women, unrealistic?  YES!  Yes.  Yes.



Here’s the thing, WE are society.  All of us.  People.  Good and bad.  Rude and supportive.


Before you say I don’t understand, here’s a little about me.  I was picked on and bullied incessantly as a young girl.  Not online but in person.  I had a severe overbite.  I have a darker completion than many.  I’ve always had big calves and didn’t get breasts until I was older than other girls.  My family was poor.  I didn’t have the most current (or cool) style of clothing.  I was not allowed to participate in after-school activities which gave people more reason to pick on me.  I was uncoordinated and awkward.  I didn’t fit in.

Several people I went to school with are on my page.  They can confirm everything I’m saying.

It sucked!

It does suck!

Online and in person.

It shouldn’t happen but it does.

So, here are my questions:

– – What was the ulterior motive for making this movie?

– – What was Erin (a film-maker, remember) trying to accomplish with her post?  Just trying to let us know people can be cruel?  Looking for increased social media interaction, perhaps?

– – Is she going to make a movie of the supportive comments being posted online about the movie and let us know about the positive side of things?


Our circles of influence are MUCH larger because of the internet.  That’s good AND it’s bad.

It’s much easier to share information.  It’s also much easier for people to voice opinions.

I think, because we are in an anti-bullying mindset (and that’s is a great and wonderful thing!) stories about the subject (both super positive and super negative stories) sell!!  They bring out emotion.  They make people react.

For that reason, we are being shown more and more of them.


Just my opinion, of course.  I’d love to hear yours.

Build Your Best Self While You Sleep. 10 Tips to Help You!

Guest blog by Stephanie Williamson | Inspired Training


While my grandchildren have NO problem sleeping, and my husband is very good at sticking to a regimented set bed time each night, I never seem to get enough.  Never.  I’m tired around 3 or 4 in the afternoon but I wake up around 6 or 7 and before I know it, it’s 11, 12, or even later.  Pretty typically, I get up at 5 or 530, so this is not ideal.  It’s not great for my mood, my health, my appearance, and definitely not for my concentration.  Did you know that a lack of sleep can affect everything from your heart to your weight?

I’ve tried many tips, and done a lot of reading about getting more sleep.  I know it’s important to have a bedtime routine and to limit both caffeine and technology before bed.  I know that I personally do better if I have a little something to eat before bed (something like maybe a protein waffle or cottage cheese – nothing major).

Recently I’ve considered setting an alarm when it’s time for me to shut everything off and head to bed.  Today, though, as I have been up since 430, following 4 hours of sleep, I turned to my friend, Stephanie Williamson, at for suggestions.  Steph is the creator of Inspired Training and promotes the {Eat Well, Train Smart, Love Always} Lifestyle. She was nice enough to provide these 10 tips for getting to sleep a little easier.


I love sleeping!  In fact, my bed might be my favorite place on earth. Not everyone feels the way I do about sleep, but maybe you should allow yourself to explore the wonders of good sleep. Maybe you’ll even apply my “early bed time” rule. I am in bed either reading or relaxing by 9 PM… 8 PM if I’m extra lucky!

Phrases like “Sleep is for the weak” and “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” are going out of style. The importance of sleep is being researched and proven true. Not only does it make us more productive and alert, it can help our performance at the gym! When we sleep our bodies do amazing things. We release HGH which is a Human Growth Hormone. HGH helps us build and repair muscles which can improve our fitness level and our performance at our next work out. Research backs up the theory that it is not the training that improves our performance, but the sleep we get while recovering that really boosts our personal best. Now it is important to mention that quality of sleep counts too.

When we sleep we go through 5 stages of sleep. Each stage is important to our bodies, minds, and ability to perform daily activities as well as fitness goals.


Here is a short overview:

Stage 1: Light sleep. Loss of self awareness, start to relax

Stage 2: A light dreamless sleep. Breathing and heart rate slow down.

Stage 3: First stage of deep sleep called slow-wave sleep. HGH is released

Stage 4: Deep slow-wave sleep. Helps replenish physical and mental energy

Stage 5: REM sleep. This is where dreaming occurs.


You want to be able to get through multiple sleep cycles each night.  If you are tossing and turning you are most likely not getting into stages 3-5 which is what really helps us recover. You want better results, don’t just focus on going to bed early. Work on getting better quality sleep.

Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep a night, unfortunately most of us are only getting about 6.5 hours a night. This is quite an issue in our society today. Some people sacrifice sleep not knowing the full effect of what they are doing. Losing 1-2 hours of sleep a night can really impair performance, memory, attention, and judgment. Chronic poor sleep can cause that awful feeling we get that we cannot catch up. This includes being irritable, getting muscle ache, headaches, unable to focus or complete the most simple tasks. We all know how that feels right?! Did you know that lack of sleep contributes to other issues like: diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression? That pillow is sounding better and better!

The icing on the cake here: You naturally eat less fats and carbohydrates when you get enough sleep!!!! So if you’re still awake to finish this paragraph I can explain. Lack of sleep messes with our hormones. Men and women both have this issue. Sleep deprivation can cause a rise in cortisol (a stress hormone) which makes us crave high fat comfort foods. When we are tired we also mess with the hormones that send signals to our brain that we are hungry or full, causing us to overeat when we do not need to. There is an average gain of some where around 1-2 pounds in a study done on people not getting enough sleep. Put down the peanut butter and crackers and just head to bed, trust me, you’re probably more tired than you are hungry.

Bottom line: Getting more sleep will help improve our lifestyle and get the results we want in the gym.


Here are 10 Quick tips to help you get to sleep:

  • Limit Caffeine and Alcohol consumption right before bed
  • Try to limit your use of electronics 90 minutes before bed. LED screen signal our brains to stay awake
  • Keep the house a bit cooler near bed time, our bodies like to sleep in cool conditions
  • Use your bed for only sleep, snuggles, sexy time, and relaxation reading
  • Your last meal should be at least 90 minutes before bed time
  • If you cannot fall asleep, get out of bed and do something productive until you feel tired enough to sleep
  • Limit lights and sounds in your bedroom, and make sure you have a comfy bed and pillow


  • Square Breathing Technique Stress and Sleep

Sometimes our bodies and minds are still too active at night to fall asleep. Often times this is a result of stress from our day. The Square Breathing Technique can help you calm yourself during stressful times as well as help you calm yourself into sleep. Here is a simple info graphic to show you how it’s done.

Square Breathing




[Debbie’s note:  I DO this.  It is fantastic for shutting off all those noises in your head.  Things like, “Tomorrow I need to xyz.  Did I abc? etc.  Give it a shot!!]




  • Yoga for Relaxing in Bed

 A night time yoga class can help you wind down after a long day, and help you slip into bed with a relaxed state of mind. I count on my gently yoga at night to help me get my best sleep. If you don’t have the option of a night time gentle yoga class try these few poses from Fitness Magazine Online



  • Herbs and Tea to help you get better ZzZzZzZz

If you need a little extra herbal support to help you catch your zzz you can use an herb capsules. Please ask your doctor or health care professional if these are right for you. They should only be used as a short term solution not a permanent or on-going solution.

Valerian Root – Is often used to help promote sleep. You can get this in capsule or tea form from your local health food store

A warm tea can help you relax before bed. It helps soothe you, and set you up for your best relaxation. I suggest drinking the tea about 30-40 minutes before bed. That way you have a chance to empty your bladder before sleep. No one likes to be woken up in the middle of an awesome dream session just to go pee!

My favorite pre-bedtime teas are:

Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 8.58.02 PM


I am not affiliated with Traditional Medicinals Teas, but I do love them for all sorts of tea remedies =)

I hope this information and helpful tips can help you get the sleep you and your body deserve. Get better results with better sleep!

That being said…I’m off to bed now. Good night!

– Steph

Monday Mindset. Our Favorite Day to Make Changes.

Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T.



It’s Monday.

It’s Monday following a holiday.

It’s Monday following a holiday where many people spent time at the beach.


That trifecta might have led you to wake up this morning determined to “get back on track”, to “drink more water”, to “exercise more and eat better”. Well, good for you!! You’ve picked a perfect day to start.


Let me be clear. I could spend some time explaining there is no “track”. Health is a lifestyle and it should be routine. Taking care of yourself should be business as usual. It should be something you do on Saturday as well as Monday. That’s not my point with this post though.


My intention isn’t even to tell you, “Monday is not a better day than any other day to start whatever it is you’re starting.” Sure, that’s been the recent movement, and I do believe it. So long as you’re determined to make a change, you can be successful no matter whether you start on Wednesday or Friday, on the 1st of the month or the 18th.


There is absolutely nothing “magical” about Monday.




This little thing called, “human nature”.


You see, human nature is suspect to what behavioral scientists call, “the fresh start effect”. Ever wonder why so many people resolve to start exercising, eat better, quit smoking, or otherwise make major changes, on the 1st of January? We like aligning our new beginnings. We like to start things on Monday, on our birthday, the start of a new season or month, and as we start a new year. In, The Fresh Start Effect: Temporal Landmarks Motivate Aspirational Behavior, by Milkman, Dai and Riis conclusively shows that Google searches for the term, “diet” as well as gym visits and commitment to pursue goals all increase following the start of a new week, month, year, semester, birthday, or holiday.


Why? The scientists believe we like to have clear lines. If I start my diet on Monday, everything that happened prior to Monday, before this week started, doesn’t matter. I have a clean slate with the start of the new week.


Does it have to be this way? No.  Could you be successful if you start the journey toward your new goals, on Wednesday? Of course.


If you employ habit-based, incremental change, rather than trying to change every single thing you do and every single thing you eat in one day [You know that doesn’t work. You’ve tried it how many times before?] you can be successful regardless of when you start. Habit-based, incremental change, works!


That said; if our human nature causes us to like to start things on Monday, start on Monday! Use human nature to your benefit vice fighting against it.


“In fresh start moments, people feel more distant from their past failures,” says Katy Milkman, one of the lead researches in this work. “With the downward pull of failures behind us, it’s much easier to move forward.”  (Note:  under the heading of sources at the bottom of this blog, the second link is to a 3:31 minute video of Katy personally explaining this research.  Check it out!!!  Let me know what you think of the research).


Fact is:  it’s Monday.

You do have a clean slate. Even your biology likes it!  Use that to your advantage.


Whatever happened this weekend, happened. Whatever you did on the holiday is done. You cannot go back and change even one thing.  No guilt.  No worry.  No regrets.

Let it go


It’s Monday.  Perfect day for a fresh start.


The choices you make today determine the quality of your life tomorrow, and all the days there after.



I do have a 4 year old little girl in my life so, yes, I am going to pull out some Elsa.  If you’re as fortunate as I and you have heard this 8 million 452 thousand times, you’re probably singing.  Ya.  Sorry for that.




Fit for the Road Series: Part I. Sunday in the Park.

Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T.


For the past decade – actually, going on 11 years now – I’ve spent 200+ days a year on the road. I’ve been in just about every state in the US and many locations throughout Spain, Portugal, Germany, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Staying healthy while traveling that much can be challenging.


I plan to share several of my road-warrior tested tricks in this series. Chances are, even if you don’t travel as much as I do, there are times you’re going to be away from home. If you’re on vacation, vacation. Relax. Enjoy the local culture and food. Get your exercise by walking around and taking in the sights. If you’re on the road more than that week or so vacation, though, you may want to have a few of these tips in your back pocket.


Many hotels have improved their fitness centers with the addition of free weights, and the occasional universal machine. For the most part they remain cardio-centric with a treadmill, recumbent cycle and/or stepper. I’ll provide some hotel exercises, and tips for finding a gym while traveling, in one of the future pieces of the series.


To stay fit while traveling, bodyweight exercises are a super convenient option. I mean, you need nothing except your body.


I travel as a single female so I have to consider my safety when I travel. My preference is a good balance between too many people (so that it’s crowded) and too few. If I’m outside, local parks can provide the perfect location. For example, three of my favorites are:

Minuteman Park in Concord, Massachusetts. This is trail running at its best, not to mention the history! I ran there last year on the 4th of July – it was kind of cool to be there on that day.

Altus City Reservoir in Altus, Oklahoma. The downside of this location is that it’s just a loop. The upsides include geese, ducks, benches by the water, beautiful sunsets, and pull-up bars. It was here that I did my first EVER pull-up three years ago. You’re also free to do walking lunges and skip here, without anyone giving you so much as a second look.

Chimney Rock State Park, Chimney Rock, North Carolina. Stairs. Lots of stairs. There are also numerous picturesque trails.


Today I spent a little time at Leesylvania State Park in Woodbridge, Virginia. It’s going on my top 10 list, too. Not only were there running trails but also a “fit trail” consisting of several bodyweight workout stations. Here’s how you can use the park.


Warm up with balance squats, high knees, toe touch rotations, and jogging.









First Station:  Push-ups & Pull-ups









Jog to Second Station:  Crunches & Ab Rotations (straight legs, up & over, rotating right and then left.














Jog to Third Station: Monkey Bar Shuffles









Jog to Fourth Station: Dips & Inverted RowDips


Jog to the Fifth Station:  Press-ups



A quick Google, Yelp or Trip Advisor search can provide you with locations, and feedback, of local parks.

If you’re on Yelp (Debbie H) or Trip Advisor (ChprChk), look me up.  I am a top contributor on both sites and have LOADS of evaluations posted.

5 Recipes. 6 or Fewer Ingredients. Under 20 minutes!!

Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T.

Now that I have your attention…

Happy Independence Day. It definitely felt like a holiday to me. I’ve been home six full-days!!! That’s unusual and it’s been awesome. I’ve had an opportunity to catch up on several important tasks and even a few back-burner items. Today I decided to relax in my kitchen. I love to cook and there are a few recipes I’ve been hoping to work on.

The final result was four quick and easy recipes (plus my stand-by lemonade).

Each recipe was completed in 20 minutes or less!

With a homemade vinaigrette I already in the refrigerator, each recipe today contained six or fewer ingredients!







1 cup spinach                     1 cup romaine lettuce

1/4 avocado                        2 slices bacon, cooked & diced

1 roma tomato, diced          1-2 mushrooms, diced

1/8 – 1/4 cup garlic vinaigrette (I had this in the frig, but recipe is below)

Dice all ingredients. Toss together.



Garlic Vinaigrette:

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar                 1/2 tsp diced garlic                          1 tsp spicy brown mustard

Freshly ground pepper                        1 tsp Ms. Dash Italian Medley          1/8 cup extra virgin olive oilIMG_7585

Helpful Notes:

1.  The vinaigrette stores very well in the refrigerator.

2.  While there are specific bottles you can buy at a cooking store, for the sake of ease and simplicity, I just use oneof the protein shakers I have on hand.





1 cup strawberries              1 cup blueberries

1/3 jicama                            1/4 red onion

Fresh mint                           Fresh lemon juice

Dice all ingredients. Toss together.

Helpful Notes:

1.  I like to use frozen berries when I make the salad, especially if it’s going to be a little bit until we eat. That way the salad keeps itself cold.

2.  I was skeptical about the onion but it really enhances the flavor of this salad. Just try it.IMG_7587

3.  What to heck is a jicama? It’s a very low calorie root vegetable from Mexico. You’ll find it in the produce section.




IMG_76191 lb 99% fat free ground turkey

2 large white mushrooms, diced

1 tsp Flavor God                    1/2 onion, diced

1 tsp Ms. Dash Italian Medley

1 tbsp diced garlic                   1 egg white


Mix all ingredients. Form into patties. These were cooked on the grill (at 400 degrees). 10 minutes on one side and 5 minutes on the other.

IMG_7592Helpful Notes:

1.  Again, make extra. One “secret” to staying on track is making food prep as easy as possible. These freeze well.
2.  I don’t like dicing onions by hand. I typically use my Pampered Chef chopper. It works great!



This isn’t a new recipe.  It’s one of my favorites and I make it all the tie.


1 lemon, juiced                        2 strawberries, diced

Fresh mint                               Ice


Juice the lemon. Add strawberries and 1 sprig of chopped fresh mint. Throw in a few ice cubes and fill your glass with water. I did not use any sweetener (which is not unusual) but neither did my husband. It was just tart enough but the fruit added the right amount of sweetness without sugar.IMG_7597









1/2 cup peanut (or almond) butter

1.5 medium bananas

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

2 tbsp coconut oil, softened

1 sheet chocolate graham crackers (optional)

1 tsp Glucomannan (optional)


Blend everything, except the graham crackers, very well. I just put all of the ingredients into the Ninja. Spray (olive oil, Pam, or something like that) a small ramekin (aka individual baking pan). If you want a crust, finely crush the graham crackers and put them into the ramekin. Pour the pie mixture into the ramekin. Pop this into thIMG_7604e freezer for 10 or 15 minutes. You can keep it in the freezer or the refrigerator.


Helpful Note: What to heck is Glucomannan? It’s a powder made from Konjac root. This is completely optional to the
recipe as it is flavor-less, although it does add a little thickness. I add it to some recipes for additional fiber (which supports regularity).



I really hope one (or more) of these recipes becomes a family favorite for you! If you try something, please take a photo and share it, along with your comments, either here, on Instagram (#familynfit) or Facebook.

There are Just Some Things I Don’t Do and I’m Not Sorry!

Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T.

I’ve always been incredibly busy and I’m incredibly tired of it!!! I used to almost brag that, “my to do list is actually a to do notebook.”

Don’t get me wrong, I currently run tto dontwo successful small businesses and am trying to get my health and wellness passion off the ground more concretely, so I have plenty that needs to be done.


I’m exhausted.  Several months ago I created a “To Don’t Do List” for myself! Have you ever considered such a thing? Some of my to don’ts have been incredibly difficult and there are many I consciously work at, but the concept has already provided some benefits.


Here are a few of the things I don’t do anymore….

– I don’t make time in my crazy schedule for people who can never seem to fit me into theirs. This one was really difficult initially, because it involved friends, but it makes me feel empowered and much, much less resentful.

– I don’t take on other people’s responsibility any more. For example, if a customer says they’ll call me and they don’t, I do not take on the responsibility and call them. When someone asks me to do something and I agree but ask for additional information that I’ll need to do the job, and they don’t get it to me, I’ve stopped reminding them. I don’t make other people’s priorities my own, any more, when they don’t make it a priority.

– I don’t keep my e-mail open all day anymore. When it’s running in the background, no matter how much I tried not to look at it, I did look at messages as they popped up. This left me in a constant state of having to “put out fires”. Now I check e-mail only 3-4 times a day. That’s more than enough.

– I don’t buy non-refundable tickets any more. Things change. It’s more economical and requires less time if I buy refundable (or fly SWA that doesn’t charge a change fee).

– I don’t stay so busy that I don’t have time in my life for what really matters.

– I don’t feel guilty about occasionally wanting time alone or needing a little time to recharge.

– I don’t make excuses for other people (including my grown children) any more. If they do something, that’s their business and their consequence, not mine.

– I don’t (often) get online without setting an alarm. The internet, and especially social media, is a time suck if I don’t pay attention.

– I don’t volunteer as much as I used to. I still love to help but I was spreading myself too thin which means I was doing a disservice to everything I was doing.

– I don’t do everything immediately. I now let customers know it may be a few days, or even a week, before I’ll have time to get back to them but when I do they will have my undivided attention.

– I don’t multi-task as much as I used to (although I still do too much…) because I want to be present in the moment, in the place, with the person I’m with. That means I don’t allow myself to be a slave to my phone either. Unless it’s a special ringtone, sometimes I let it ring and return calls when it’s convenient for ME.

– I don’t provide an explanation of my life priorities nor my eating habits though both have been the topic of much past discussion.

– I don’t say, “I’m fine” every time someone asks me how I’m doing. I answer honestly. This surprises many people and they don’t know how to respond.

– I don’t bid on every job that comes across my inbox and I don’t take on every potential new customer. Some jobs are not worth the stress and some customers are not worth the money.

– I don’t let people get away with not accepting personal responsibility and I don’t let people lie to me anymore. In the past, there have been numerous times when friends and family told me what I wanted to hear, or what was socially acceptable and I let them, even though I knew what they were saying wasn’t true. I don’t do that any more. I’m not being rude and I don’t respond in an ugly way. I merely say (yes, out loud), “that’s not true.”

– I don’t (as often as I used to) try to save the world. I am here to help, anyone with anything I possibly can, but when people do not want to help themselves, I am no longer taking that responsibility upon myself.


And I’m not sorry….

– I don’t say, “I’m sorry” as much. Wow! This has been a difficult one too, and I’m working on it every day. Ever notice how often we say those words?

Being more conscious of it, I can now tell you that 90% of the time “I’m sorry” was just a reflex, I wasn’t sorry. Again, I’m not being rude, I just honestly had no reason to be sorry. For example:

(a) I ordered a Thai chicken salad from Panera. It came without chicken. When I went to the counter, I said, “I’m sorry, but this doesn’t have chicken on it.”

(b) A person who had not taken the time to sign up for class, thought they could just come in and expected a seat. I had to say, “I’m sorry, but since you didn’t sign up, you don’t get to come in.”

(c) Someone ran into me in the supermarket. My first reaction was, “I’m sorry” although it wasn’t my fault.

(d) The taxi I ordered for 330 showed up at 245 and I apologized for making him wait on me.

(d) I had a customer ask for a class date and I wrote in my e-mail, “I’m sorry but that date is full.”….I also caught myself and edited the sentence before I sent the message to merely say, “That date is full.” See the difference?


We apologize about everything ad nauseam. I challenge you. For the next three days, pay attention to how many times you say, “I’m sorry.” I bet you’ll be surprised.

Top 10 Things that Riding my Dirtbike Reminded me About Life

  1. 75342_1571305235064_7896641_n Skills you don’t use continually get rusty.

As humbling as it may be, if you don’t do something for a while, you’re probably going to have to take a few steps backwards, initially.


  1. Sometimes you might need to ask for help.

This is an area I’m continually struggling with. I love to give help but I’m not good at asking for it. The fact is, sometimes you just can’t do it al by yourself.


  1. You’re going to get messy.   IMG_5281

If you hope to get anywhere worth going to, you’re going to get a little messy. At least sweaty from the effort, but more than likely a little mud too.


  1. It’s important to dance.

Fighting against the bike does nothing but make you tired. Allowing it to dance under you; relaxing, and dancing with it, gets you were you want to go.


  1. If you don’t face your fear, you’re going nowhere.

Ride within your ability but remember that you can do more than you give yourself credit for. Sometimes you don’t realize that until you find yourself smack dab in the middle of what you didn’t think you could do…


  1. You can’t only specialize in the things that you’re good at.

As much as you like climbing up hills, at some point, you ARE going to have to come down.


  1. Prepare for what you can but remember that a lot is out of your control.

Every now and again, you are going to run over a sharp rock or a slippery root. It will happen and there’s nothing you can do about it.


  1. Once you pick a line, commit to it 100%.

Changing your mind mid-rut is incredibly difficult and indecision is dangerous. Pick one line – stick to that one until you get to the top.












  1. Look ahead, and plan for the nearest obstacles, but don’t look TOO far ahead.

It’s also important to watch those who have gone before you but make your own decisions.


  1. Sometimes you’ve just got to say F*& it and grab some throttle!

85% of the time, acceleration is the right answer. 10% of the time, it’s using your clutch and changing gears; only 5% of the time, is the correct answer to squeeze your brake.


“Do What you Can” is Not a License to Ignore Personal Responsibility!

Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T.

One of my favorite taglines is “Do what you can, when you can, with what you have available.” It’s quite clear to me and I know exactly what I mean by that statement. I had lunch with a friend yesterday, though, and we talked about it. It never dawned on me that people might have a completely different understanding than the one I intended.

This is one reason why it’s important to be open to receiving others’ input. This is also the reason I adore friends that don’t just agree with everything I say. Our perception is frequently different than that of others and I value discussions about these differences! I LOVE the ah-ha moments when I can say, “oh my gosh! I never even looked at it that way before!!” I learn in those moments, my mind is expanded, and it’s fantastic to see things from a different angle.

So when I say, “Do what you can, when you can, with what you have available”, what do I mean? Do I mean eat whatever you feel like whenever you want? Do I mean, don’t worry about exercising if you don’t feel like? Do I mean, cut yourself some slack, serious slack: don’t hold yourself accountable for anything, and just be happy with your non-action?

Sure, as long as you understand that doing what you’ve always done is going to give you the results you’ve always gotten, and you’ll need to be happy with that.

If you are comfortable right where you are now (and there is ZERO judgment if this is where you are. Cool!) – you don’t need to worry about changing anything. Be happy!!! Truly. But be aware that you have no right to complain about not meeting your goals. My husband likes Mountain Dew and potato chips. Am I going to consume those things? No. Do I judge him if he does? Nope. I’ve had people tell me that they “can’t believe I let him do that.” WTH? He’s a grown man, he makes his own choices but I do make him accept responsibility for those choices. He does not get to complain to me about gaining weight or feeling sluggish.

If you want to make changes, whatever those changes are (lose weight, gain weight, add muscle, get faster, get stronger, get healthier, potentially decrease medication, feel better, etc.) you are gong to need to change things!!!

  • Increase/decrease the amount you’re eating,
  • Get stronger by exercising, and
  • Improve the quality of the food you’re eating OR
  • Stop complaining. Stop saying you “should”


There are three things I ACTUALLY mean when I say, “Do what you can”

1.  Accept yourself as being human. Stop beating yourself up over having a less than perfect day BUT keep working on making improvements.

Here are a couple of examples. First, many clients come to me struggling to tame the soda sugar monster. Do what you can where you are right now means: decrease your soda by 25% the first week, and by another 25% the second. Keep doing this. Switch from regular to diet. Is it “good” for you? No. Does it have sodium and chemicals in it? Yup. It’s not about perfection. It’s about improvement. Drink a glass of water before each soda you have.

Don’t like water? Yes, it’s okay to put in a little Mio or similar flavoring for a while. Use less next week and less the week after. I’d prefer you drink plain water but if you’re only going to drink water with flavoring in it, drink flavored water.

Can’t seem to break the habit of having a bag of chips after work every day? Buy one individual bag on your way home in the evening – don’t keep them in your house, and don’t buy the super king-sized bag because it’s “a better deal”. Remember my waste or waist philosophy? Try sweet potato, bean, baked chips or pretzels one time. Have chips only 3-4 times this week instead of 5, and reduce that by 1 again next week. If it’s crunchy you’re looking for, try a healthy cereal (measure out one serving – don’t eat the entire box. In that case, you might as well have had your chips). If it’s salty you’re looking for, have a few salted nuts or make some baked pita chips.

Baked Pita Chips

Preheat oven to 375. Cut each pita into quarters and then cut each quarter in half to make 8 triangles.  Place them on a cookie sheet or baking stone and spray lightly with olive oil.  Sprinkle on a little salt, pepper, cumin, garlic, or cinnamon. Bake for about 10 minutes, until crisp, turning once.


2.  Deal with your limitations by finding a way to work within them.

Look, we all have limitations. We’re all busy and we have lives beyond just diet and exercise. Deal with it. Do what you can with what you have.

Can’t afford to buy organic vegetables? Then buy the bagged greens or frozen veggies (no extra sauce or butter). Can’t afford grass-fed, high quality meat? Buy bagged frozen chicken and tell the “purists” to shut up.

You have no time to cook breakfast, or dinner? You either have to make the time by getting up a little earlier or doing a better job of preparing quick things. I make a dozen protein pancakes on Sunday and throw them in the freezer. I can toss them in the toaster oven in the morning, spread on a little peanut butter (or not) and, worst-case scenario I can eat them as I’m dashing out the door to the airport.

Have a protein shake with almond milk, kale or spinach, protein powder and maybe some fruit. That takes a minute to prepare.

I have lots of 15 minute or less recipes on my Family & Fit FB page. The crockpot can be a lifesaver during busy weeks. Again, on Sunday, my husband grills a giant package of chicken and I cut up some veggies. They’re always in the fridge. Do I want to eat that every day? No. But if it’s been one of those days, dinner is already prepared.  FullSizeRender

The kids take up all of your time in the evening and you can’t cook a healthy meal?Have them help you! I haven’t met a child yet who doesn’t love to be in the kitchen. My grandchildren have their own recipe box and one of Hayden’s favorite things to do is search Pinterest for things we can make.  One of his favorites is:

Fish & “Chips”

Preheat oven to 350. Spray a cookie sheet, or line with foil.  Place 2 cups crips rice cereal into a gallon ziplock bag and crush coursely (this is his favorite part and likely why he picks the recipe).  Put this into a large, deep bowl.  Beat 1 e.g. and 1 tbsp water in a separate bowl. Cut 1 pound of cod, haddock, or other firm white fish, into pieces (3-4″ long and 2″ wide).  Season the fish with 1 tsp Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper. Dip into egg; drain.  Place in cereal and turn to coat all sides. Place on cookie sheet.  Place cut veggies (zucchini and carrots) on same sheet – drizzle with oil and sprinkle with seasoning. Bake 20-25 minutes.  


What if you don’t even have the time or energy for any of this? My friend, Brooke Kalanack, recommends having a few local restaurants programmed into your cell. Places where you know you can get a healthy decent meal (protein and veggies – not a Sonic hotdog and giant shake). If all you can do is call in a pick-up or delivery order, that’s fine. …and then don’t worry about whether the food was cooked in organic oil or not. It’s about making better choices. It’s not about obsession and perfection.

Can’t get to the gym? Do some bodyweight exercises (squats, lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks, etc.) at home. Throw in an exercise video. Chase your kids around the house. Go for a walk. Dance. Can’t do any of that just yet? Do a chair workout: stretch and move every part of your body a little bit. Hold onto your counter and do some small leg lifts or squats. If this is all you can do today, do it. That’s fantastic.


3.  Show yourself some grace and compassion. Rather than obsessing over the end goal, be happy with who you are while you’re working on who you want to become.

My goal is to teach people about health and fitness for their entire lives…..not until they weigh a certain amount; it’s been 8-12 weeks; or any other specific date. Stop the negative trash talk ( If you ate something that wasn’t part of your plan, instead of feeling horrible and putting yourself down, move on. Don’t let that turn into a 3-day binge. Can you do this every day and expect to meet your goals? Nope. But if you make improvements over time, you will eventually get there. Last week you “messed up” 5 times? Okay. Next week, try to get that down to 4. That’s an improvement!

I celebrate holidays and special events with my family. I do eat cake, cookies, chocolate, etc. I am not going to Maine without having a raspberry cream turnover. I go out to eat with friends when I get a chance to do that. I thorough enjoy everything about these experiences. I don’t feel guilty. I don’t try to kill myself with extra cardio….and I don’t want you to either.

Do I eat something “special” every day? No. Does that make me feel deprived and like I should be “enjoying my life?” Absolutely not!! I very much enjoy being fit and healthy! I am a grown woman. I am not a victim. I make my own choices. I can eat whatever I want whenever I want. BUT if I want to reach certain personal goals I’ve set, I have to take action complimentary to those goals.

I have a perfect story about this tip. My sister was at a business meeting a while ago. The company had brought in some coffee and several plates of super large cookies. A co-worker had eaten one or two and said, “don’t tell my trainer that I did this.” I LOVE my sister’s response: “I have lost 50 pounds and I didn’t do that by lying to my trainer, or myself, about what I was putting in my mouth.” Amen!!!!

Do whatever you want, but accept the consequences too. You are a grown up!! Own your actions.

 Do what you can, when you can, with what you have available!!


GET OFF THE CRAZY TRAIN! Stop this diet & exercise insanity.

Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T.

I’ve received a few e-mails over the last couple of days that I feel I need to address publicly.

There are a billion “nutritional programs” out there.

MOST of them will work if they cause you to change your normal eating habits; cause you to (a) eat fewer processed foods and/or (b) eat fewer calories than you’re burning. Some of these “miracles” will also trash your metabolism over the long term, make it harder for you to maintain your weight-loss, lead to yo-yo dieting, binging and any host of problems.

I lost a bunch of weight by going on a cigarette, coffee, and Suzy Q (chocolate, cream-filled cake) diet when I was young and foolish. I went on a grapefruit only diet; a skim milk only diet, and a “drink vinegar before every meal” diet. I’ve done high fat, low/no carbs, Paleo, Atkins, Beverly Hills, IIFYM, and everything in between.  I lost weight on every one of them……..temporarily!!

I’ve also done the exercise insanity! At one point, I would only sleep 2 or 3 hours a night because I had to be in the gym doing cardio for an hour before work. I lifted weights for an hour and did 30-45 more minutes of cardio in the evening after work. Six days a week.

I felt like crap. It didn’t matter. My priority was to lose weight.  I would get off the plane at 10 or 11 o’clock at night and not go to bed until after I had worked out. If my flight was at 6 or 7 a.m., I had already spent at least an hour in the gym before I headed to the airport.   I maintained memberships to three different gyms so I could be sure to find a place to work out no matter where I was.

My body fat was so low that I did not have a period for over a year. My energy was so low that more than once my husband found me sleeping in our home gym, on the foam roller where I had been trying to ease some of my soreness and I had fallen asleep. My emotions were so messed up that I would cry at the drop of a hat. I was grouchy. My relationships sucked: if they took time away from my workouts, I simply couldn’t fit them in my life.

Does any of this sound healthy over the long term to you?

 …. Before you say, “no”, remember that I DID lose weight.

This is the very thing that some people want me to suggest to them now. People want me to tell them to eat 1,000 calories a day. People want me to write super low calorie and super low carb plans for them. I WILL NOT DO IT.

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You do NOT need to change your nutrition every week because 

  • There is a “new” program out
  • You haven’t lost any weight in the last week
  • Your best friend (or some celebrity) lost 20 pounds on this new program
  • You saw some shiny new program in a magazine
  • You watched an infomercial
  • You’re bored
  • You saw something on Dr. Oz
  • or you’re impatient and expect to lose 15 pounds in the next few days.

You do NOT need to change your exercise program every week. Your muscles do not perform better if you “confuse” them.

STOP THE CRAZINESS of this exercise and nutrition A.D.D.!!!!! Please. I am begging you.

You lose weight – you get healthy – you get fit, by applying common sense and consistency. Nothing less than that!!

PS you might also have to apply just a little bit of patience.