Our #1 priority is the MINDSET piece.
- Fit HIPS is about Helping Inspire People’s Self-Confidence.
- We believe in fostering positive body image for every body shape and size. We believe in moderation.
You know what? We all need a little reminder now and then. So here it is: you are amazing!! Just the way you are.
I received this message from a lady I’ve been working with for several months. IT perfectly describes the way I feel. The message made me cry! It filled my heart with gratitude and humbled me. Yes!!!!! This!!!!!
You may be here because you want to lose fat, gain muscle, or get healthy but if you don’t like yourself as you are right now, you’re not going to like yourself once you reach your physical goals either.
I have more inspirational photos and stories to share. Stay tuned! Here are just three examples of what some of the ladies have achieved.
Florence lost 54 pounds AND Courtney lost 87 pounds AND checked “hiking 100 miles on found self-confidence! When The Appalachian Trail” off her she started, she could not exercise bucket list! for a full 5 minutes.
Karen is learning how to push herself Erica started working out for the beyond what she thought her limits were. first time in her life!! This IS my passion.
I have (and still do) struggle with self-confidence, regardless of the amazing things I have been able to accomplish. My dream is to help other people find their confidence!!!
Why bother to take care of myself?
There are a million reasons why I/we workout. Very few have anything to do with the amount we weigh or the size of our jeans. Here are a few.