All Usually Leads to Nothing

Family & FIT  |  Debbie Hatch


Ever notice how “All or Nothing” most typically leads to nothing?


There are very few things in life that should be looked at in absolute terms.

Always.  Never.  100% or Nothing.




There are some, of course.

When I was helping supervisors write job performance standards, it was okay not to let the Pharmacist kill, through the improper filling of prescriptions, “no more than one” person per quarter. We didn’t ask the Pilot to “crash only a few planes” each year.  Doctors were expected to remove the correct body part EVERY single time.


So, sure, some things have to be absolute.

But very few.


NOT HAPPINESS… … …  screen-shot-2016-10-29-at-10-28-40-pm


In fact, the more we polarize our thinking, the more likely we are to become depressed.  To quote Paul Martin from his 1998 book, “The Sickening Mind:  Brain, Behaviour, Immunity and Disease”, “For a healthy emotional life, it’s not more extreme happiness we need, but more balanced emotions.”


Not all or nothing, but something in the middle. 


AND MOST CERTAINLY NOT OUR DIETS OR EXERCISE!. screen-shot-2015-07-12-at-6-35-29-pm


Unfortunately, many of us view them with this mindset. You know what I’m talking about:

  • If I can’t get to the gym every day this week.  I might as well not go at all.
  • I can’t spend a full 30-40 minutes working out today.  Why bother working out at all then?  What’s the point?
  • Ugh.  I ate donuts in the office this morning.  My diet is screwed.  Might as well start again tomorrow.  Or better yet, why not next Monday?


Health and fitness are NOT all or nothing propositions.


Success is found somewhere in the middle!!


  • I had salad and cannoli last week.
  • I drank a lot of water and two glasses of wine.
  • I ate meat, veggies, AND bread.
  • This past month, there were days I went to the gym and lifted heavy for an hour, days I dragged myself in and did the bare minimum for 15-20 minutes, days I took self-defense classes, days I did yoga, days I did bodyweight exercises in my hotel room, or went for a jog, and days I sat on my ass because I was just exhausted.


It’s what we do – over time – that matters.

Consistency is key. 


Doesn’t matter what you do, or for how long.  Do something.  Where you are with what you have available, at this point and in this place.

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