Debbie Hatch | Family & F.I.T.
Depending on whether I’m flying, or driving; and what time I need to leave the house, travel can be a full-day adventure. I got up at 0530 and have been running since the moment I opened my eyes. It’s now 2141 (941 pm).
I checked e-mail while breakfast was cooking.
I like to get a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and some fat with meal #1. Eggs, protein powder, glucomannen (fiber powder) a little peanut butter and some green grapes did the trick. Big glass of water, multi vitamin, fish oil & of course, coffee.
Today is a road trip but I have a couple hundred miles to drive. I don’t like to put the wear and tear on my own car so I typically get a rental. I’m thankful for public transportation in the city. I’ll catch the city bus a short distance from the house; take that to the metro and then walk to the rental car location.
It was a great day for a walk. Not too hot as it was still early.
Once I got the rental car, my first stop was the gym. With a drive ahead of me, I didn’t want to wait until evening to exercise. You know that when you wait, something unexpected always comes up!! Or you’re tired, or you just don’t feel like it. It’s best to get it in when you know you can 🙂
I worked my lower body. This is typically my least favorite day – largely because I have scoliosis and a misaligned left hip from a childhood injury. The ball does not sit inside the socket on that side of my body, properly. Weight training has really helped me with both of these things. Sincerely.
With the scoliosis, which I’ve had since I was 13 or 14, I used to have difficulty squatting. In fact, not too long ago, I could only lift 95 pounds and could only squat half way down. I have been pushing myself in a safe manner (I never work to the point of being in pain and I listen to my body), by trying to squat twice a week. I can now lift more than my own body weight and am able to get to a point where my thighs are parallel. Lifting has increased my mobility!!! That is good for life!
Speaking of that. What are the benefits of squats?
Pound for pound, squatting is the best bang for your buck. It hits all the primary movers (quads, hamstrings, and glutes), stabilizing muscles (which help balance), ligaments, connective tissue, core and spine. They are a functional exercise – meaning something you can use in your every day life. You squat down to pick things up (think children or groceries), when you get into you car, sit at your table, or go to the bathroom. Squats help you to build muscle, which, in turn, burns more calories. The increases in mobility and balance, improve communication between your brain and muscles which helps prevent falls. Squats improve range of motion in your ankles and hips. …and we all know that weight bearing exercises are great for holding off osteoporosis. Are you convinced yet?
Unless there is a medical reason not to, squats are an awesome exercise for all of us!
In addition to squats, I did:
A. Cable squats (here, I go below parallel – my goal being full movement within the hip joint)
B. Split squats (working one leg at a time, with the other up on a bench)
C. Hyper-extensions with weight
D. Goblet squats
E. Leg extensions, and
F. Cable crunches (for core)
After a quick workout, it was home to pack. I’m only teaching one day so I didn’t bring a lot with me. That said, I do not have a long enough lunch to be able to go anywhere. Protein can be the hardest nutrient to find so I always make sure to bring some with me.
I packed protein powder, tuna, and chicken breast. I also made protein loaves for breakfast. With eggs, protein powder, cocoa and oat flour, they have the carbs, protein, and fat I need to teach all morning. I brought a couple of apples, some walnuts, and a Quest bar. The coconut is not my favorite but it’s all that was in the cupboard.
In addition to food, I always have plenty of water, my road ID, my lighted bracelet, and iPad loaded with numerous podcasts and Audible books. I’ll tell you more about those in a later post.
There was just enough time to check e-mail once more, return a couple of business calls, make some travel arrangements, schedule a hair appointment, and write two formal proposals before throwing everything into the car.
A quick stop for lunch: half-size strawberry poppyseed chicken salad (yes, I AM obsessed with this salad) with half a turkey avocado BLT.
Then I was actually on the road. Five hours later – it shouldn’t have taken that long but I don’t like to pay tolls when I don’t have to so instead of taking the turnpike, I opted for twisty curvy 35-mile-an-hour roads and scenery – I’m all tucked in somewhere in State College, Pennsylvania.
Wow, you are so prepared which is awesome!!! The pictures of your meals looked great too 🙂 Traveling always throws my efforts off a bit but this is a good reminder that it doesn’t have to:)
Boy, you are one motivated lady. You must be fit too. I wish I could do squats. But it’s too late for me, with malfunctioning artificial hips and osteoporosis in my over 70 year-old bones.
Never too old for mobility, Francene 🙂 You may not be able to lift heavy weights but you can still do body weight squats to keep your hips, knees, and ankles functioning well.